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Who Studies the Technique



Performing Artists

The Alexander Technique helps reduce stress and stage fright as well as helping perform with freedom and ease to help people perform the best of their abilities. The technique also helps alleviate chronic pain and can help performers recover from injuries.



The technique also helps athletes use their bodies with freedom and ease to help them perform to their best. The technique also cultivates a greater awareness of one's body which allows athletes to better gauge how hard they can train before causing harm to themselves.


Office Workers

Sitting at a desk all or most of the day can cause problems for many people. Slouching or being hunched over at a desk can contribute to chronic pain. Likewise, forcing to sit up straight with excessive tension can also cause problems. The Alexander Technique offers a means to sit up straight with ease and freedom.


Everyone else

Almost anyone can benefit from the Alexander Technique. No matter what activity you do, the technique offers a way to do it with freedom and ease of movement.



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